Friday, May 13, 2011

Assignment #21

My favorite blog this year was the blog about Mark Twain's quotes. I like to look up quotes and read them. I thought it was really interesting. I didn't like The Great Gatsby blog. I would say that honestly I did the most minimum that I could when I could. I did think it was a good learning experience though. I think I learned how to evaluate things a lot better. I do not think that I will continue blogging. I think it is a good thing for future classes to do though.

My favorite stories this year were World on a Turtle's Back, Pit and the Pendulum and The Crucible.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Assignment #20

Daisy Bell by Harry Dacre - This shows Gatsby's feelings towards Daisy
We Both Reached for the Gun from Chicago - To symbolize the end of the book
The Charleston by James P. Johnson - This is just a good 20s song.
1999 by Prince - It says "If you didn't come to party, don't bother knocking on my door..."
Ain't We Got Fun by Van & Schenck - It is played in the film several times

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Assignment # 19

Three little birds in a row
Sat musing.
A man passed near that place.
Then did the little birds nudge each other.

They said, "He thinks he can sing."
They threw back their heads to laugh.
With quaint countenances
They regarded him.
They were very curious,
Those three little birds in a row.
I really liked this poem because I love when stories 
make creatures in nature like humans. It was very interesting
and I love the symbolism.  

Monday, March 28, 2011

Assignment #18

'A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar.' 
This quote is a great thought. It is definitely true because it is impossible for a human to go through life without lying at least once. Saying that you never lie or that you aren't a liar is not going to be the truth.

Assignment #17

This website article is all about Dr. King. He has many inspirational an d moving quotes during his time. They moved the Civil Rights Movement along definitely. This pertains to our topics because it is about the things that affected the Civil Rights Movement and moved it along, getting all American involved.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Assignment #16

Bessie's dentist office was on 7th Ave. I see that there was also a neighborhood called "Striver's Row" that was a very wealthy neighborhood in Harlem. I learned while reading about Harlem that Harlem had many parts of the area, just like a town would. There was the hot places to be and the rich parts. They had everything they needed because that was the only place that blacks were allowed. Also, this site shows how involved with music Harlem was which is how it is connected to "Having Our Say." The sisters explain the love for music that Harlem had.

There were many influential people that lived in Harlem during this time according to the second website. James Weldon Johnson was one that I happened to click on. His mother was the first woman to teach in a public school and one of his songs called "Lift Every Voice and Sing" became the "Negro National Anthem." There was also Jack Johnson who was a heavyweight champion. After his boxing career he also opened up a supper club in Harlem. There were many characters and influential people living in Harlem. They are very interesting to learn about and definitely shaped how America is today.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Assignment #15

This picture is very emotional. It shows a bunch of parts of a man who is enslaved. I love how it is an beautifully artistic way of showing something horrible. It captures the man's pain and terror perfectly.
This really shows how badly the slaves of the time were treated.

Assignment #14

I feel very strongly about the quote "envy is ignorance." It is very true. People may think they are envious of someone else's life but they don't know that actually that person also wants to be someone else. I don't like that people feel that way though. It is kinda like the saying that everyone wants what they can't have and is an unending circle of envy. People should be happy with what they have which I know is harder said then day.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Assignment #13

This poem explains how Whitman thinks that children are. They blend into their surroundings. This is similar to how I was as a child. I always wanted to fit in to the things around me and wanted to be like everyone else. This is a naive way to look at life... which explains why this poem is about children.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Assignment #12

I hide myself within my flower

I hide myself within my flower,
That fading from your Vase,
You, unsuspecting, feel for me—
Almost a loneliness. 

The poem is about the way Emily felt about people around her. From far away you can see how beautiful a flower is just like she wanted people to see her. She never wanted to be close enough to show the real her, like if she was in a vase. 

Assignment #11

I prefer transcendentalist because they are for sure the more optimistic group. I don't really like to read so when I have to I enjoy the more upbeat stories much more. Anti-transcendentalist may be more real to what life actually is but I would rather read about the happy side of life.