Thursday, April 14, 2011

Assignment #20

Daisy Bell by Harry Dacre - This shows Gatsby's feelings towards Daisy
We Both Reached for the Gun from Chicago - To symbolize the end of the book
The Charleston by James P. Johnson - This is just a good 20s song.
1999 by Prince - It says "If you didn't come to party, don't bother knocking on my door..."
Ain't We Got Fun by Van & Schenck - It is played in the film several times

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Assignment # 19

Three little birds in a row
Sat musing.
A man passed near that place.
Then did the little birds nudge each other.

They said, "He thinks he can sing."
They threw back their heads to laugh.
With quaint countenances
They regarded him.
They were very curious,
Those three little birds in a row.
I really liked this poem because I love when stories 
make creatures in nature like humans. It was very interesting
and I love the symbolism.