Sunday, November 21, 2010

Assignment #10

All of a sudden the walls coming at me retreat. Am I saved again? Or is there another awful way of torture coming for me now? Then, I see that sudden flash of light. The one that lets me know that someone is watching me. Except this time it is just a sudden flash. They have kept the door open. I see a man start down a ladder towards me. He is coming to save me at last! I yell out for him but there is no response. He must just be in my imagination. The people in charge of this have just drugged me again. Then I look closer. He has an ax with him. I start to panic and he is almost and the ground level that I am at. I run but trip and fall. They had to have drugged me again, I know it now. He comes towards me as I lay on the ground, unable to move. He takes the ax and swings at me. I feel a sharp pain and my stomach but then I am gone. Finally, the torture is over. I may have died but it is better then being in that awful cell. I'm better off this way anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Holly! This is very good and you use really super duper good description. I think this might help me wirte mine(: I feel like I am in the story!!
