Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Assignment #8

The poem we read call 'the Tide Rises, the Tide Falls' was very interesting to me. I loved how secretly he direct his was with the meaning of the poem. It was one of those poems where you don't really know the message but once you figure it out, the poem all comes together. That is what makes many poems exciting for me to read. I get really happy when I can figure out the symbolism and descriptive language that the author is using.


  1. I like your point about the subtlety Longfellow uses. He really never comes out about what the poem means, but we all know because we read in between the lines, and use the context clues and wording and language to figure it out, and when we get around to figuring it out, it all makes sense, all of his choices have a purpose. It is almost stronger to put in those secret messages because it means more when you figure it out.
